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Your keyboard shouldn't connect to the internet.
We are building a modern keyboard that respects your privacy and security.
Phone with FUTO keyboard
FUTO Privacy Features
Lock Access Icon
100% Offline, 100%
Voice Input, Offline Freedom, Communication, Private Voice, Off The Grid
Microphone Icon
Offline Voice Input
No internet connection used, no data transmitted or stored ever
Art Showing Text Swipe
Finger Swiping Icon
Swipe to Type
Type faster with smooth swiping (alpha)
Spellcheck Icon
Smart Autocorrect
Reduce typing mistakes
Word Examples feature selection art
Predictive Text Icon
Predictive Text
Get intelligent spelling suggestions as you type
Art, themes feature art
Artists Pallet Icon
Personalize Your Keyboard
Choose from a variety of themes to match your style
Download FUTO Keyboard
FUTO Keyboard is currently in alpha. We want to build a stable keyboard, but in alpha you may experience bugs, crashes or missing features. We appreciate feedback and bug reports!
Help Us Keep Running!
Purchase a FUTO Keyboard license for a one-time payment.
Your contribution ensures FUTO Keyboard remains ad-free and fully functional.
Support a team dedicated to your privacy and user experience.
It helps us bring new features and improvements.
No recurring subscriptions.
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Pay for FUTO Keyboard
Looking for FUTO Voice Input?
You can use our voice input with a different keyboard if it is compatible.
Explore FUTO Voice Input
Futo O logo Futo O logo
Sparkling Sand Art
Swipe Data Collection
If you want to help improve swipe typing, please consider contributing to our dataset at We are trying to build an independent open dataset for swipe algorithm development. (Mobile device required)
Contribute to our swipe dataset